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Roadway Components - URBAN 1

Updated May 06, 2016

This article applies to:
  • RoadEng Civil
  • RoadEng Forestry

Urban section with optional curb/gutter and sidewalk.

Typical Cross Section

Default Material Assignments


bIncludeCurbSet to 1 to include a curb and gutter.
bIncludeSidewalkSet to 1 to include a sidewalk.
AcpWidthLane width from CL to edge of gutter (excluding gutter).
AcpThickThickness of pavement surface.
BaseThickThickness of layer.
SubbaseThickThickness of subbase layer.
bCurbApplySuperSet to 1 to superelevate the bottom of the curb.
CurbInsideHeightThickness from top of gutter to bottom.
CurbOutsideHeightHeight of curb on the outside.
CurbGutterWidthHorizontal distance from asphalt to bottom of curb slope.
CurbGutterSlopeGutter slope (added to super elevation)
CurbBottomWidthCurb and gutter width - horizontal distance from asphalt to sidewalk.
CurbBottomSlopeBottom of curb slope.
CurbTopWidthCurb Width: horizontal distance across the top the curb.
Sod1OffsetSod1 distance typically from curb to sidewalk.
Sod1SlopeSlope of Sod1 segment.
SdwkWidthWidth of the sidewalk. Set to 0 if no sidewalk.
SdwkSlopeSlope of the sidewalk
SdwkThickVertical thickness of the sidewalk.
SdwkBaseThickVertical thickness of the sidewalk base.
Sod2OffsetSod2 offset (typically from sidewalk to edge of shoulder).
Sod2SlopeSlope of Sod2.